Fiebing's Leather Dye is the most recognized penetrating, alcohol-based leather dye in the world. Dries uniformly and mixes easily to create interesting middle tones. Each 4 ounce bottle includes one wool dauber.
A Guide to using Fiebing's Leather Dye:
Dying leather is an art, not a science. Variations in materials, conditions and artist touch will have a direct effect on the results. No two leathers will always accept dye with uniform results. This color chart should be used as a guide, and the dye should be tested on swatches of scrap before dyeing your final article.
Preparing the Leather for Dying: In the tanning process, various protective surface finishes are given to leather hides. This finish must be removed before dying. Fiebing’s DEGLAZER is recommended for stripping off tanning finishes and making the leather receptive to dyes.
Applying the Dye: After the leather has been cleaned and prepared as recommended above, apply the dye evenly using a piece of wool skin, cloth, or a dauber. An alternative method of covering large areas evenly is to spray with a spray-gun or air brush. A second coat of dye may be applied if required. After dying, remove excess surface dye by rubbing briskly with a soft cloth.
Color Control: When changing from a previously dyed color, it is best to do it in two steps. First, neutralize the original color with an intermediate color. Then repeat the dying process with the final color desired. For example: To dye white leather black, dye it green or blue, and then black For white into dark blue, first weak black (4 to 1), then dark blue. For white into brown, first dye light green, then brown. For red into black, first green, then black. For white into bright red, first yellow, then red. For white into dark red, first tan, then dark red. Always let the first color dry before applying the second.
Dye Mixing for Intermediate Colors: Fiebing's Dyes may be combined to achieve intermediate colors or tones not shown on the chart. In most cases the basic rules of any color mixing apply. For example: Yellow and Blue = varying shades of green. Yellow and red = varying shades of orange to red. Red and Blue = shades of deep purple to lavender. Red and purple = wine. Brown and yellow = golden brown or tan. Brown and red = maroon to dark brown.
An infinite number of color shades are possible. Mixtures can be tested on swatches until the desired color is achieved.
TIP: Do not attempt to mix Fiebing’s White Leather Dye or Fiebing’s Grey Leather Dye. White and Grey are not compatible for mixing with the other dye colors.
Helpful Suggestions: Stuff paper into shoes, or use shoe trees before dying. Use care to prevent dying of the shoe lining. For better uniformity, apply while leather is damp with cleaner. Do not wear until completely dry. Dye can be removed from hands with rubbing alcohol.